10 Commandments for Blended Families

A brown background with a paper cut out people all holding hands. The words "10 Commandments for Blended Families" is written underneath the people.

Every blended or stepfamily is born from some kind of pain. Which means that every blended family has its own difficulties and complexities that have to be handled gently if the family is to survive and be successful. That is why the “10 Commandments for the Blended Family” was created.

12 Things to Avoid in Marriage

A blue background with a red circle with a line through it on the bottom left corner. In the top right corner the words, "12 Things to Avoid in Marriage"

Every marriage is different. Everyone has their own uniqueness that they bring into their marriage that makes it special. We should be thankful for this, how boring would life be if everyone and every marriage looked the exact same. Being different is a gift; however, there are certain things every marriage should avoid.

5 Ways to Reconstruct a Marriage

A wooden surface with a hammer and saw laying on it with the words, "5 Ways to Reconstruct a Marriage" written on it.

Hard seasons can be damaging to a marriage. Let’s look at five ways you can reconstruct your marriage and get out of those hard seasons.

Boundaries in Marriage

A fence blocking green bushes with the words "Boundaries in Marriage" written on the fence.

Boundaries in marriage can be difficult because typically someone who loves boundaries will marry someone who doesn’t which can lead to a lot of conflict. So, in order to possibly prevent this conflict, let’s find out what boundaries really are and see if we can correct some misconceptions about them.

Developing Spiritual Intimacy

A silhouette of a couple standing under a night's sky. With the words, "Developing Spiritual Intimacy" written in the blue and pink sky. The words, " A Beautiful Adventure Marriage" is written on the bottom of the image.

Hello Friends, When it comes to marriage you hear the word, intimacy, a lot. Although our minds tend to only think about physical intimacy between a husband and a wife, there is another area in which we can become intimate with each other. Spiritual intimacy is something that is not talked about a lot, but […]

5 Ways for Your Marriage to Thrive this Summer

A blue background with a yellow beach chair, a yellow hat, and a yellow floaty on the right side. The words "5 Ways For Your Marriage to Thrive This Summer" is on the left side.

Summer is officially here. Although this is a great time to spend with your family, it can also be a time that causes strain on your marriage. Let’s look at five ways, we can keep that from happening!

Technology and Your Marriage

A man in a business suit touching a computer screen. Lines are coming from the place he is touching the screen. The words "Technology and Your Marriage" are at the top.

We live in a technology driven world. However, technology can weaken our intimacy & connection with our spouse. Let’s fix that.

Constructive Ways to Communicate

A couple at a construction site, both are wearing hard hats. The lady is holding blueprints. They are both smiling.

Communication alone can be hard, but when you and your spouse don’t agree it gets even harder. Check out this blog where we will give you ways to communicate in a more constructive way.