The Break Down on Communication

Two old phones with cables lying on the ground with the words "The Break Down of Communication" in the top right corner.

Communication Breakdowns and Misunderstandings! Lack of Communication or the Silent Treatment!

If you ask any couple to name one thing they struggle with the most in their marriage, they would probably say something about communication.

So, for this blog, we are going to break down the four “must” of effective communication.

Unpacking Emotional Baggage

A couple trying to unpack their camping luggage from a car. The husband is holding too many bags and the wife is trying to help.

Emotional baggage, we all have it! Let’s look at some ways we can unpack our emotional baggage in a way that will benefit our marriages.

3 Ways to Grow Your Marriage in 2023

Two plants growing from the dirt with sunlight on shining on them.

Hello Friends, We are almost three weeks into 2023… can you believe it? The end of 2022 was wild for Alex and me. We made some big decisions as the year came to a close, both personally and for our ministry. We saw God move in amazing ways, and present opportunities for us, some of […]

SMART Goals for Your Marriage

A man looking at a board of plans

When it comes to setting goals we have to be SMART if we are going to be SUCCESSFUL. Let’s look at some SMART ways to set goals.

The 4-Step Marriage Plan

A list being checked off with a highlighter.

Most marriages do not plan on failing, they just didn’t have a plan. Let’s look at 4 steps you can take to create a plan for your marriage.

Prayer and Your Marriage

Hands clasp on an opening Bible in prayer

Studies show that prayer is a powerful way you can divorce-proof your marriage. Check out these three ways to develop a prayer life in your relationship.

6 Ways We Keep Our Love Alive

A couple holding each other laughing

In marriage you have to be intentional if your love is going to be alive and thriving. Join us as we share 6 ways we invest in our marriage.

4 Ways to Over-Communicate

Alex sitting on a trunk, Tara sitting on a chair facing each other smiling

Want to learn how to communicate more effectively with your spouse? We have 4 easy ways you can start implementing in your marriage today.

Becoming a Marriage Mentor

a group of people standing in a circle with their hands on top of each other

Having a mentor is critical to the health of your marriage. Let’s discuss why you and your spouse should consider becoming mentors to another couple.