3 Boundaries For A Healthy Marriage

Every marriage needs boundaries. Boundaries are especially necessary if that relationship is going to be healthy.
10 Ways to Have Better Sex

We believe that a wonderful sex life in marriage is possible, and with 10 easy changes, it could begin today!
3 A’s of the Emotional Call

People send out thousands of emotional calls in order to make a connection with their spouse. Let’s discuss three ways to answer the calls.
Faithfulness and Your Marriage

Faithfulness and loyalty are fleeting character traits these days. Let’s talk about one sure way you can remain faithful to your spouse.
5 Ways to Choose the Best Yes

We all have tons of things buying for our attention. Let’s look at 5 ways we can choose the best yes for our lives and our marriages.
Travel Tips from the Payne’s

Let’s talk about some fun travel ideas. We hope this is not only helpful with your travels in your marriage as well.
Managing Marriage and Multiple Children Part 2

We hope you enjoyed part one of our interview with Amber and Cory.
Managing Marriage with Multiple Children Part 1

Managing marriage and children can be difficult. Check out this interview with the Harris family where we discussed how to manage both well.
Correcting Comparison

Comparison is easy to do but it’s also harmful. Let’s stop comparing and embrace the unique way the Lord made us and our spouses.
The Dangers of Comparison

Comparison is something we have all done from time to time. It seems harmless but there are dangers when we compare our lives to others.