Cultivate a Joyful Marriage

cultivate a joyful marriage

Hello Friends We have all seen the movies and heard the stories. Boy meets girl. They fall in love. The couple fights off some kind of opposition right out of the gate that wants to keep them from being together. They live happily ever after. The scene usually ends with the couple riding off into […]

The Secret to a Healthy Marriage

Hello Friends! Alex and I just got back from our Sabbatical. We spent a week in the woods and it was exactly what we needed. We took time for fun, rest, and focused on drawing closer to the Father. It’s amazing how much you can get from just a few days away from the normal […]

2 Ways to Fight Your Battles with Worship

Hello friends, This weekend Alex and I had the great honor of being apart of a wedding. This was not just any wedding. It was the wedding of two of our dearest friends. Two people, we have grown up with and love very much. To people who love to worship! Several months ago they came […]

4 Ways to Create a Beautiful Marriage

Hello Friends, We pray this blog finds you and your family healthy and happy! With this blog, we are talking about how to create the marriage you and your spouse want to have! A marriage that is beautiful and impacts others. Marriage is God’s idea. It’s a good idea and it can be a beautiful […]

How Can This Book Help My Marriage?

"A Beautiful Adventure Marriage" tree

Hello Friends, We are exactly one week away from our first book, “ A Beautiful Adventure Marriage: A Guide to the Marriage God Created for You”, being available. If you have pre-ordered already that means the book will literally be in your hands next week! If you haven’t click here to preorder your copy now! […]

Creating a Marriage Legacy

Reflections in a creek

Hello Friends! On March 31st, Alex and I celebrated 8 years of marriage! We had planned on going out to celebrate our anniversary, but because of the current situation we all find ourselves in, we celebrated at home with a candlelight dinner instead. A few days before our anniversary I was finishing the book, “Praying […]

5 Ways to Embrace Peace during Uncertainty

Hello Friends! My how the world has changed in two weeks! As I sit here and write this, I just glanced out my window. It’s a beautiful day and all seems to be perfectly at peace; however, when I jump on Facebook I am soon hit with the realization that things are far from peaceful. […]

3 Ways to Navigate Conflict in your Marriage

Hello Friends, In every marriage conflict is inevitable. Two people living in the same space will never agree on all the things, all the time. It is easy to miscommunicate in those times of conflict to the point where things become overheated. Most of the time it is simply a communication breakdown down and resolution […]

Marriage and the Five Love Languages

In our last blog, we talked about the importance of getting on the same frequency in your marriage so that you can communicate your love fully to your spouse. Identifying your spouse’s love language is a great place to start because it is an easy way of speaking love to your spouse. I hope that […]