Stories: Alex and Tara

a couple sitting on the side of a cliff looking over the edge

Behind every beautiful adventure there are multiple stories worth telling. When we choose to be brave our marriage testimony can impact others.

The Power of Consistent Behavior

A blackboard with the words "The Power of Consistent Behavior" written on it

Consistent behavior is very powerful in a marriage. Let’s talk about 3 ways we can improve our marriage by being more consistent.

Gratitude and Goals

Black Hat with Happy New Year wrote on it surrounded by gold glitter. The blog is about going into the new year with gratitude and goals.

Let’s ring in the New Year by looking back and being thankful for what the Lord did, and then looking ahead and setting goals for the future.

The ABA Christmas Challenge

a sign that says "A Beautiful Adventure Christmas Challenge" surrounded by presents and ornaments.

This Christmas, Alex and Tara share a few ways you can create new holiday traditions with your spouse that adds excitement to your marriage.

The Becoming Challenge

The Becoming Challenge

Are you up for a challenge that can change your life? Let’s explore five areas that can do just that.

Becoming the Right Person

Becoming the Right Person

The search for Mr./Mrs. Right can be overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. Let’s look at some ways you can become the person they are looking for.

The No Complaining Rule

The No Complaining Rule

Complaining. Although everyone on the planet is guilty of, let’s change the norm but applying one simple rule.

10 Ways to Have Better Sex

10 Ways to Have Better Sex

We believe that a wonderful sex life in marriage is possible, and with 10 easy changes, it could begin today!