Four of Our Favorite Marriage Books

a stack of open books

Making investments in your marriage is crucial. Marriage books are a great way to make that investment. Let’s look at four of our favorites.

Our 3 Favorite Marriage Podcasts

A podcast microphone and headset sitting on a table

Taking the time to invest in your marriage is critical. So we are sharing our 3 favorite podcast to listen to while you are on the go!

The 5 Languages of Forgiveness

A Yellow Post It Note with the word "Sorry" written on it with a smiley face beside the word

Sometimes “I’m Sorry” is not enough. Let’s look at Gary Chapman’s 5 languages of forgiveness to learn how to give a genuine apology.

Emotional Communication

a couple sitting on the couch holding coffee cups talking

Communication is the one thing every marriage has in common. Let’s explore emotional communication and how it can benefit your marriage.

The Power of One

a flexing muscular arm

Too often we lose power in our marriages by playing the “Blame Game”. Instead, let’s use the “Power of One” and turn the focus on ourselves.

The Marriage Toolkit: Parent Edition

a table with tools on it with a sign that says "marriage toolkit: parent edition"

Being married, when children are added into the mix, can be a bumpy ride. We wanted to create a specific plan just for parents. We know you are going to benefit greatly from the wisdom of the Burgess family.

Stories: Meet The Burgess Family

A Family of five. A mother, Father and 3 brothers

Alex and I couldn’t be more excited to introduce you to two of our closest friends. We have known the Burgess Family for several years now and we can truly say this is a family everyone needs to know.

Resurrection Marriage

Four round pots of purple flowers and two long pots of red flowers sitting in the green grass.

The same resurrection power that raised Jesus from the dead lives in us. Let’s look at ways we can resurrect certain areas in our marriages.

Creating A Healthy Marriage Culture

A couple standing on the edge of a mountain with their hands joined together to form a cross.

Your marriage has a culture. It is either what you create or what you tolerate. Let’s talk about ways to create the marriage culture you want.