Constructive Ways to Communicate

A couple at a construction site, both are wearing hard hats. The lady is holding blueprints. They are both smiling.

Communication alone can be hard, but when you and your spouse don’t agree it gets even harder. Check out this blog where we will give you ways to communicate in a more constructive way.

The Break Down on Communication

Two old phones with cables lying on the ground with the words "The Break Down of Communication" in the top right corner.

Communication Breakdowns and Misunderstandings! Lack of Communication or the Silent Treatment!

If you ask any couple to name one thing they struggle with the most in their marriage, they would probably say something about communication.

So, for this blog, we are going to break down the four “must” of effective communication.

4 Ways to Over-Communicate

Alex sitting on a trunk, Tara sitting on a chair facing each other smiling

Want to learn how to communicate more effectively with your spouse? We have 4 easy ways you can start implementing in your marriage today.

Emotional Communication

a couple sitting on the couch holding coffee cups talking

Communication is the one thing every marriage has in common. Let’s explore emotional communication and how it can benefit your marriage.

The Life-Giving Spouse

A couple walking down a path together

If we are going to be a life-giving spouse we have to be intentional about our words. Let’s look at 2 ways we can do that today!

3 Ways to Navigate Conflict in your Marriage

Hello Friends, In every marriage conflict is inevitable. Two people living in the same space will never agree on all the things, all the time. It is easy to miscommunicate in those times of conflict to the point where things become overheated. Most of the time it is simply a communication breakdown down and resolution […]