Hello Friends,

Behind every beautiful adventure, there is a story or multiple stories, worth telling. Behind every marriage, there are beautiful moments of falling in love but also testimonies of hard seasons. Our stories are unique and precious to us, but they can also serve other purposes.

Remembering to Reignite…

After the excitement of the wedding wears off, real-life can set in. There are responsibilities, bills, and deadlines that can grab our attention. So often we forget about the small beginnings. We forget why we chose our spouses or what made us fall in love with them in the first place.

We find ourselves in the here and now wondering how we got there. Where did the passion go, and why was it replaced with mundane living? By taking time to remember the reasons we fell in love, we can start to reignite the fire that once burned so fiercely.

Sharing to Impact

Just like every marriage has a love story, every marriage also has struggles. Sometimes we find ourselves in hard situations and we think we are the only ones struggling to stay afloat. These are the stories we do not want to tell. Mainly because the enemy lies to us, and tries to make us believe we are the only ones struggling with this. He wants us to be isolated because we are more likely to fail if we try and fix everything on our own.

Even after the issue has been fixed, he wants us to believe we can’t share the story because people would look down on us that we even had that problem. That could not be any further from the truth. We need to share the hard times so we can, first, get the healing we need, and second, help others to heal as well.

That’s why sharing our stories is so important.

Your story can change the life of someone else, you just have to have the courage to tell it.

Let’s Be Brave

Tell your (marital) story. Tell it to your kids, your friends, your brothers, and sisters, but especially to each other. The more your story is implanted in your brain, the more it serves as a hedge against the myriad forces that seek to destroy your marriage. Make your story so familiar that it becomes part of the fabric of your being. It should become a legend that is shared through the generations as you grow a family tree that defies all odds and boasts marriage after marriage of stability, strength, and longevity.

Jerry Jenkins

Your story is important and needs to be told. We feel so strongly about this that we are making it a running theme throughout 2022. Every few months, we are going to highlight a couple, and let them tell you their stories.

These stories will be a mixture of overcoming struggles while others will be an encouragement to step out on what God is calling you to do.

We believe these stories will encourage you and your spouse on your own beautiful adventure.

We are starting with the story of how Alex and I met and how A Beautiful Adventure Marriage was born.

Our prayer is that our story encourages you to step out on faith, and run toward the calling God has on your marriage! God can do big things with small steps of obedience!

We are praying for you!