Hello Friends

In our last blog, we talked about how to create a plan for your marriage so you could accomplish your goals and dreams. When it comes to accomplishing anything, we need to have a plan. We need to know what the objective is and how we are going to go about it. Unfortunately, that is the place most of us fail.

We know we want to accomplish things (but we aren’t super specific on what those “things” are), and we know we want our lives and marriages to look different, (but we do not have a plan for achieving what we want). That is where having a clear and understandable plan comes into play.

Committing to a plan is an amazing thing that can create fulfillment in your marriage and in life in general. However, setting the right goals is going to be critical if we are going to successfully execute those goals as a team.

Unrealistic Expectations- the Goal Killer

I recently sat down with a friend of mine who wanted to make some changes in her life. As we talked she shared with me that she sets goals all the time; however, she very seldom accomplishes the goals. Her problem was not the lack of a plan but the goals she was setting. As we continued to talk she shared that she sets these big goals but after a small amount of time she feels overwhelmed and frustrated. She doesn’t see the changes quickly enough so she decides to give up altogether.

The truth is I have been there too. I have set massive goals only to get frustrated when I cannot accomplish them in the time frame I think I should. When frustration sets in it’s easy to just give up and move on. You feel like a failure so you label the goal as unattainable.

However, if we can learn to be SMART in our goal setting, we can set ourselves up for success.

How to Set SMART Goals

If you are reading this, my prayer is you have committed to creating a plan for your marriage and you are ready to set some attainable goals. With the information below we believe you can set both short-term and long-term goals that you can achieve and grow your marriage.

So what are “SMART” Goals? Let’s break it down!


When you are setting your goals do not make them vague. If you do it will be hard to figure out if you have indeed accomplished them. The more specific you can be the better. That way you will know exactly what you are working toward, and you will know exactly when you achieve it.

M- Measurable

By making your goal measurable it will be easier to track. You will be able to see your progress which will keep you moving forward until you achieve it. If you can’t measure your progress, you can become frustrated when it seems nothing is happening. Frustration can lead you into giving up entirely.


Make sure you are working toward a goal that is possible. Now that is not to say that the goal can’t be challenging. Some goals will take a lot of work to accomplish and that is perfectly fine. Great fulfillment will come when you accomplish a goal that took effort. Just be sure that regardless of the challenge that it can be attained. If you set a goal that is impossible, you are just giving the enemy a weapon to use against you.

R-Relevant and Realistic

When setting goals be honest with yourself. You know what you and your spouse are capable of in this season. Set goals that are relevant and realistic for the season that you are in. As the seasons of your life and marriage change, your capacity will change as well, but start where you are and work from there. We all have different starting lines. Find yours and set yourself up for success.

T- Time-Bound

Give each goal its own deadline. Some will be short-term goals that can be checked off the list quickly. Others may take months or even years to accomplish. Give each goal a realistic time frame and then work toward that.

A little disclaimer here- if you do not hit every goal in the time frame that you set that’s ok. Just continue to work at it. You only fail when you totally give up.

The Most Important Step

Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established. Proverbs 16:3

When we take the time to set SMART goals, it will make our lives so much easier. When we have a plan it is always easier to execute it. But let’s not forget the most important step… include the Father. Pray about these goals. Asking the Lord to reveal to you what it is He wants you both to accomplish in your marriage, and also ask Him to help you as you and your spouse go through the whole process.

The Lord not only has given you goals and dreams to achieve but He wants to be a part of it all. Don’t think you have to do this on your own. He is here and wants to help you and your spouse accomplish great things.

You can do this!

We are praying for you!