Hello Friends!

Our first book, “A Beautiful Adventure Marriage: A Guide for the Marriage God Created for You” will be available on May 12th! You can pre-order your copy today anywhere books are sold! We wanted to give you a little sneak peek of the book since we are 3 weeks from it being available! We hope you enjoy the introduction and order your copy today by clicking here.

~The Adventure of a Lifetime

In 2009, I was presented with the adventure of a lifetime. My church was joining another church to go on a ten-day trip to Israel in the fall of 2010. A friend of mine had taken the same trip a few years prior and had shared her experience with me. From the moment I looked at the first picture, I had this burning desire inside of me. I knew I had to go. I had to experience this for myself. The trip cost about three thousand dollars. I signed up immediately, not knowing how I was going to pay for it. 

At the time, I taught at a small Christian school. I was happy, but broke. My mother and I lived together on a fixed income. We started praying and my mother started writing people we knew asking for sponsorships. By the time January rolled around, I had saved about 350 dollars. It had taken a few months to save that small amount, most of it was Christmas money, but the trip was not until November. It gave me hope that this was a possibility. Little did I know the Lord was about to ask me to do one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do.

Every January, my church does a First Fruits Fast. We fast and pray for 21 days, then we do a special offering for the new year. This is just our way of starting off a new year, by dedicating the first few weeks of it to the Lord. The Lord always shows up during this time. I knew exactly what I was going too fast and pray about. We had a special New Year’s Eve service that year. During the service, I ask the Lord what He wanted me to give for my First Fruits Offering. I always ask early because, usually, it takes some time before He tells me what to give. Well, not this year. He instantly answered me. He told me to give the 350 dollars I had saved for Israel. 

I’ll never forget that moment. I could take you to the exact seat I was sitting in when He told me. Everything is as clear to me now, as it was 9 years ago. I was speechless, as if every bit of air was sucked from the room. I didn’t want to believe what I heard. Surely, I had misunderstood. So, I asked again and again, and I got the same answer. I would love to say my heart exploded at that moment with joyful obedience and agreement, but it didn’t. Quite the opposite happened. A feeling of fear and desperation fell on me. I questioned and argued with Him about it. I asked Him if He realized this was the money I had saved for the trip. He knew. I asked Him if He realized how hard it was going to be for me to come up with all the money. He knew. I pointed out how much harder it was going to be if I gave this money away. He assured me; He knew all these things. However, His answer didn’t change.

I would like to tell you the questioning and arguing stopped right then, but for the next three weeks I walked around asking if He was completely sure about the offering He wanted me to give. He was sure. First Fruits Sunday came, and I was obedient. I gave all the money I had saved in the offering. I literally cried as I walked to the altar. By this time, I knew what I had to do, but it was still hard. As I laid the money down, I prayed a small little prayer. “Lord, I am giving you everything. Please let Israel happen.”

I started saving again, but something interesting happened. Tax season came and it did not bring good news with it. When we filed our taxes, it came back that we owed money and would not get a refund. I remember the “feels” of that moment clearly. Now we had taxes and Israel money to pay. I didn’t have the money for either. I thought for sure Israel wouldn’t happen. Despite my discouragement, the Lord was very clear with me. He was in control and I was not to speak anything negative over the situation. It was one of the hardest things to do, but I didn’t say anything, to anyone about it.

I was so afraid I would say something negative that I intentionally didn’t talk about it at all. I bought a tiny notebook, wrote scriptures in it, and put it in my purse. Anytime fear or doubt showed up, I would get my notebook out and read a scripture. Then I would repeat “Lord, I trust You,” out loud.

A Miracle Happens

To this day, what happened next blows my mind. To be honest with you the math still does not add up. By March, everything was paid.

In one month, the taxes and the entire Israel trip were completely paid for. The money came in from the sponsors my mother had written, and we received unexpected checks in the mail from overpaid bills. It made no sense at all, but it was amazing. A total miracle! It was God showing me that He really was in control. During that time, He showed me Ephesians 3:20-21 is true. If you give Him what little you have, He can go above and beyond what we could even ask for or imagine. Looking back at it now, I believe this whole miracle came from that first act of obedience. If I hadn’t been obedient with the first 350 dollars, none of this would have happened.

I was going to Israel! I was so excited to see the Holy Land and go to the places I had read about so many times. Because of everything the Lord had done to make this trip possible, I knew it was going to be amazing. I had been blessed so BIG with just the opportunity to go. If the Lord had just stopped there it would’ve been great, but as it would turn out the Lord specializes in BIGGER. He was not done blessing me yet.

We were standing in the airport, waiting to board the plane, when I saw this handsome man in our group. I had seen him before, but this time he caught my attention. I remember thinking he was cute, but I instantly thought, “You are going to Israel, stop it!”.  So, I put it in the back of my mind and got on the plane. The next seven days were absolutely amazing. We went to the Sea of Galilee, Capernaum, Jericho, Bethlehem, and Jerusalem. There is just something about being in Israel that is captivating. I have never been so far away from home yet so at home. It’s a place everyone should experience!

On the 7th day, we went into Jerusalem. We went to the Western Wall to pray before we explored the rest of the city. My Pastor had told us to write down what we were believing God for on a piece of paper. After we prayed, we could leave the paper there at the wall. There were several things on my list, but one of them was for God to give me a godly husband. I had been praying for a husband for several years, but nothing seemed to be happening. I prayed, placed my piece of paper in the wall, and returned to the group ready to go to the next location. We left the Western Wall and went to the Pool of Bethesda where Jesus healed the lame man in John 5. We spent time there praying as a group and for individuals.

I was standing over to the side when my pastor approached me with the handsome man from the airport. Pastor looked at me and said, “Alex is going through some of the same things you are. I think he needs to pray for you.” With that statement, he joined our hands together and walked away. So, there we were, holding hands, staring at each other, not entirely sure what to do. Alex did what Pastor told him too. He prayed for me, we side hugged (because that’s what Christians do after we pray for someone), and then he walked away. It was a seemingly simple interaction.

After we left the Pool of Bethesda, I couldn’t shake the feeling that I needed to talk with Alex again. He had said something in the prayer that had really stood out to me. I wanted to talk to him a little more in-depth. After lunch, I mustered up the courage to ask him if we could talk and he agreed. Honestly, the rest of the story is a whirlwind. We spent the last three days of the trip together talking and getting to know each other. On the plane ride home, we exchanged numbers. Once we got home, we started dating. In six months, we were engaged, and in ten more months, we were married.

I discovered, after we started dating, Alex had experienced a lot of the same moments I had on the trip. He noticed me in the airport but had the same “stop it” moment. He had been praying at the Western Wall for a godly wife at the exact same time I had been praying for a godly husband. During the side hug at the pool, we both had a moment of “we fit perfectly together” but we both had brushed it off at the time. The Lord not only took us on an epic adventure to Israel, but he had used this adventure to bring us together as a couple. 

Our relationship was founded on an adventure. It’s part of the DNA that makes us who we are. After we got married, we started being very intentional about the adventures we took. Our adventures have all kinds of different aspects to them, but travel is our favorite. There is something about traveling that makes us come alive. Traveling strengthens our marriage. We have traveled alone and with others. We’ve taken small trips and long trips. We have stayed at fancy hotels and we have camped across the United States. Although all our trips have been different, one thing has been constant. God always shows up and speaks to us in unique and wild ways. He is constantly teaching and growing us as we experience different parts of His creation together. 

~The Ministry Is Born

A little over a year ago, while I was spending time with the Lord, I had a thought pop into my head concerning marriage mentoring. I love being married but I see so many couples that are so unhappy. I wanted to help couples have a great marriage. Although I didn’t know exactly what it would look like, I wanted to advance the Kingdom by displaying a godly, happy marriage. I spoke with Alex about it and he liked the idea of helping others with their marriage. Again, we didn’t know what it would look like or even where to start, but we knew we needed to start. So, we spoke to our friends that are married and asked them if we could just hang out with them on a regular basis and maybe do some mentoring. They agreed, so we started meeting with them once a month. It was such a small step of obedience, but wow did the Father honor it. Keep in mind, we didn’t tell anyone what we were doing. This was just between us and the Lord. However, people started approaching us and it was always marriage-related. I love the way the Lord sends a confirmation. It was people who had no connection to each other. The people came from several different areas of our life, but the subject was always the same: marriage.

Fast forward a few months, the mentoring was going well, I was watching an Instagram story from my favorite author, Jess Connolly. Her Instagram stories are always so positive and encouraging. As I was watching her story the Lord spoke to me and said, “Why don’t you do something like this about marriage? Shed an encouraging and positive light on it.” I began to think about the way marriage is presented in our world. It is so negative. Just google marriage and see what happens. There is more bad than good. Marriage is considered more of a prison sentence than a covenant. It is given no value or worth. Again, I spoke with Alex about it. He was completely on board. We mentioned the idea to our mentors and they also agreed it would be a great thing. So, A Beautiful Adventure Marriage was born. As I sit and write this, the ministry is just over a year old. We are completely internet based with a blog and social media sites. Our main objective is to shine positivity onto marriage. We want people to realize that marriage is God’s idea, it’s a good idea, and when done the way it was designed, it can be a beautiful adventure! We are so new to this. Neither of us have ever blogged or ran an online ministry, it has been a process to learn, but we are enjoying it so much. 

~Write The Book

Not long after we started the ministry page, random people in our lives all started saying the same thing to us. Write a book. The thought had crossed my mind in the past, but I never gave it more than one thought before moving on to something else. To be honest, when people first started talking about it, I continued to brush off the idea. It seemed so big and out of my comfort zone. I didn’t feel qualified to write and I sure didn’t think I had anything to say that people would want to read. But God didn’t stop conveying His message to us!

People kept approaching us with the same message- write the book. Again, these people had no connection with each other. I started praying about it and asking God to tell me what I was supposed to write about in this book. It seemed as if the message was clear on what, but not on how. He answered my question with a question. “When did people start saying you should write a book?” I thought about it and it all started happening with the marriage ministry. We started publishing our blogs on A Beautiful Adventure Marriage and people started approaching us about a book. I feel as if, at that moment, the Father was just looking at me blinking His eyes with His arms extended out like,” Well any more questions, I’ve made this pretty clear.” Being that I’m a type 5 on the Enneagram and 5s need all the detailed information, I did have more questions. I asked Him what I should write about marriage. It’s a pretty big topic and one could really go in any direction. The Father always answers, but He makes us participate in the answer sometimes.

On Christmas Day, Alex and I had talked a little about the book and what direction we wanted to take with it. As we were just casually talking about it, I kept thinking about traveling. What if we gave people a guide to having a godly, happy marriage? Marriage is an adventure to go on, but you need guidance to make an adventure successful. That night I couldn’t sleep at all. I had a million things going through my mind. I prayed to God for sleep to come, I was so tired and yet so awake. As I lay there, Israel came to mind. I tried again to cut off the thoughts so I could rest. However, I couldn’t shake the thought that I needed to remember Israel and how we met. After fighting it, for what seemed like forever, I got up, went to my office, and wrote down what I was thinking. The Lord revealed to me that He had founded our marriage on six words- adventure, blessings, obedience, prayer, and passionate pursuit. I had never thought about it, but maybe that is why Alex and I love adventure so much. It was a foundational stone that our marriage was built upon. I started thinking about everything that goes into our adventures.

Alex and I do a lot of prep work when we travel, we are very intentional. Alex always establishes a road map to help guide us to our desired location and back. We research the area we are going to so we can pack accordingly. We typically know a great deal about where we are going and what it has to offer before we get there. All of this brought me to this conclusion. Our adventures are only successful because we put in the work to make them successful. We plan and pace ourselves to arrive happily at our destination. What if we could offer that same help to others to make their marriage successful? What if we created a marriage “guide”? Something people could refer to for guidance on their marriage adventure.

That is exactly what this book is- a “guide” that when followed, will help you have a godly, happy marriage. Marriage was God’s idea and it’s a good idea. It can be a beautiful adventure. We as a couple, must partner with God and be intentional if this is going to work. We must plan and pace ourselves so we can enjoy the journey and arrive at our destination happily.

Our Prayer for You

I pray this book becomes something you won’t only read once but will refer to anytime you need more guidance. Each chapter will offer something needed to help you get further down the road on your marriage adventure. There will be a character trait and practical applications in each chapter that you will need to learn and practice in your relationship. Some chapters may be quick reads just for encouragement and refreshment. You can quickly fill your tank and keep on moving because you are already implementing it. While in other chapters you may have to camp out there and spend some time to really learn something new, apply the concept, and grow from it. There will be chapters you read that may not apply now, but in the future will have to be revisited as different seasons arrive. I encourage you to take all the time you need. Read and re-read as much as is necessary. This is not a weekend getaway, but the adventure of a lifetime. It was meant to be a beautiful one.

Let’s get started!