Hello Friends,

We are exactly one week away from our first book, “ A Beautiful Adventure Marriage: A Guide to the Marriage God Created for You”, being available. If you have pre-ordered already that means the book will literally be in your hands next week! If you haven’t click here to preorder your copy now! We are excited and expectant to see what the Lord is going to do through this book!

We Didn’t Want to Keep it to Ourselves!

Our goal for this book has always been “impact”. We did not write a book just for the sake of writing a book, we did it to impact marriages for generations to come. The words you will find in this book have impacted us personally and we didn’t want to keep it to ourselves. Marriage is God’s idea. It is a good idea and it can be a beautiful adventure. However, like any adventure sometimes you need help. You need a little guidance and we pray you will find it somewhere in the pages of this book.

So let’s cut to the chase…

Why Should You Buy This Book?

Marriage is a beautiful adventure, but it can also be hard! There are good days and there are bad days! There are days that will seem so amazingly wonderful you will not be able to put it into words and then there will be days so painful you cannot utter words. However, the marriage relationship was never meant to be done alone! This adventure of life, in general, was never meant to be done alone. The Lord built us for community.

The Lord has put people in our paths that have gone before us for a reason… so we can follow! Not only follow but learn from them and avoid the mistakes they made. They are there for guidance!

So why should you buy this book?

Because it is a guide compiled with hundreds of years of marriage wisdom.

The words in this book are not just our words. They are the words of our pastors, mentors, teachers, and godly people the Lord put in our lives. The words of this book come from people that have been doing marriage way longer than we have. They are words we can follow and have a much smoother adventure than we would if we were just pushing ahead blindly! The words of this book when applied have the power to totally transform your marriage!

How Can This Book Help Your Marriage?

With a map in hand, a vacation is successful. With this book in hand, your marriage can be successful.

Why am I so confident about this?!

Because it has helped us! Everything we talk about in the book has been wisdom we have implemented in our marriage in some way. If it was helpful to us, it can be helpful to you.

The book is set up in three specific parts: 1.) Get a Plan, 2.) Maintain the Necessities, and 3.)Travel Well Together.

Marriage is an adventure, so each chapter is designed to further your marriage with your spouse. On a normal vacation, you have to do those three things, if you don’t your vacation will not be enjoyable and the same is true with marriage. This book can help your marriage because each chapter talks about a specific character trait or quality that needs to happen in a marriage daily to ensure happiness. Below is the table to contents to help you understand what I mean.


Introduction: The Adventure of a Lifetime

Conclusion: Your Destination Awaits

Adventure Awaits

Alex and I love being married, and we want that happiness for everyone! We do not want to keep this to ourselves! We are going public with this! Marriage is God’s idea. It is a good idea and it can be a beautiful adventure! Marriage will be an adventure regardless, why not do everything in your power to ensure that it is indeed beautiful?

Grab your spouse, your guide, and your God!

Adventure awaits! Let’s go!