Hello Friends,

We are almost two weeks into this new year! Our hope is that you had a fantastic Christmas and that your new year has started out in a positive way. Alex and I spent New Year’s weekend on a road trip. We left Alabama and traveled all the way up to the Canadian border in Michigan and then dropped down through Wisconsin on our way home.

I’m going to tell you more about our trip in this blog, but if you have read our book or have been following us for a while, you know that we always pray a certain prayer before we leave on a trip.

“Abba, come with us on this trip. Show us wild and beautiful things and speak to us in ways that only we will understand.”

This is just our way of inviting the Father along with us and He always accepts the invitation. This trip was no different. Not only did we see wild and beautiful things but He spoke to us in several ways that we are still processing. Below is one of them we want to share with you!

Walkin’ In A Winter Wonderland

a snowy path in Michigan
a snow covered bridge over a river in Michigan

Being from Alabama, Alex and I have only experienced a few good snowfalls in our lives. As we were planning out a trip to Michigan and Wisconsin, we knew we wanted to go in the winter. We wanted to experience a true Northern winter. As you can see from the pictures, we got just that. The snow and the landscape were absolutely beautiful, but a little nerve-racking – especially for Alex.

a yellow Toyota FJ cruiser on a snowy road in Michigan
looking out a Yellow FJ's windshield while driving on a snowy road in MIchigan

Since we don’t have a lot of snow here, we don’t have the experience dealing with it. Alex was driving in an area he was unfamiliar with, in weather that he has only dealt with a few times. As the snow got deeper the roads became more of a concern, but then we noticed something.

Oh Yeah, Go Ahead, You’ll be Fine!

The snow was not affecting anyone in a negative way. People in snowplows were at work plowing and salting the streets. Normal civilians had attached snowplows to their personal cars. They were clearing the way as they went about their normal lives. As we turned down a certain road that looked particularly treacherous, we got nervous. We stopped at a little gas station to ask if they thought we would be okay. Without any concern at all, we were told, “The snowplow came through an hour ago, oh yeah, go ahead. you’ll be fine.”

As we were making our way down the road, the Lord spoke to my heart:

You and Alex are getting through this storm safer and quicker simply because someone else is using their past experience and tools to help you. If they didn’t use what they had, y’all would have been stranded or would have given up by now.

I shared this with Alex. We both agreed that if the locals had not cleared the way and given us the encouragement, we would have definitely not been able to make this trip successful.

As we continued to process this, the Lord dropped another nugget on us.

This is how I want my children to help each others, by sharing their experiences with others and being an encouragement.

Lessons From A Snowplow

We all have some knowledge and tools for dealing with things based on our past experiences. We all have weathered some kind of storm in our lives and made it through to the other side. Our enemy wants us to keep all those past experiences quiet. He wants us to believe that others would look down on us if they knew what we have been through. He also wants us to believe that we have nothing to bring to the table that would be helpful. These are all lies.

What if instead of keeping this knowledge and experiences to ourselves, we shared them with others?

What if we come alongside someone in a storm and use our tools to get them through it a little easier?

We believe the Bible backs up this idea with these verses:

“Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way, you will fulfill the law of Christ.” – Galatians 6:2

“And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.” – Hebrews 13:16

Our Challenge for 2022

Let’s not allow our past experiences and encouragement go unused. We challenge you this year to befriend a married couple. Build a relationship with them, and encourage them in their own marriage adventure. Once this relationship is established, be vulnerable and share your experiences with them. Use what you know to make their adventure safer and easier.

If you still don’t think you have anything to offer, let’s look at one more passage from the Bible:

“Then Agrippa said to Paul, ‘In a short time [and with so little effort] you [almost] persuade me to become a Christian.’ And Paul replied, ‘Whether in a short time or long, I wish to God that not only you but also all who hear me today, might become such as I am, except for these chains.’” – Acts 26:28-29

Paul has just briefly shared this testimony and has in that time almost persuaded a pagan king to become a Christian. What more can you do for the Kingdom after a relationship and trust is formed between you, your spouse, and another couple?

What a great impact you have! Use it, encourage others, and clear the way for them! Be a snowplow!

You can do this!

We are praying for you!