Let's Be The Generation That Ends Divorce!

Meet Alex & Tara Payne

We are Tara and Alex Payne and we are glad you’re here.

Join us as we share our journey through marriage, and the lessons we have learned that help grow us as husband and wife. We love being married and are called by God to build up couples in their marriages and relationships. Join us as we walk together and share what God’s Word says about marriage. Listen to our story and come along with us today.

Marriage is God’s idea. It is a good idea, and it can be a beautiful adventure! 

So, let’s go!

Alex and Tara Payne sitting on steps

Our Mission & Vision

We want to be the generation that ends divorce and for couples to not only be married, but to be happily married. We do this by shining a positive light on marriage through Biblical truths and practical resources. 

Alex and Tara Speaking at Convention

Marriage Ministry in Anniston, AL

A Beautiful Adventure Marriage Ministry shines a positive light on marriage and helps couples experience their own beautiful adventure through marital encouragement, recommendations, and Biblical truths. Our goal is to speak God’s Word into your marriage and to be the generation that ends divorce! Want to join us? We have plenty of resources to help you think about your marriage the way God intends. Whether you’re looking for a weekly blog, or an online Biblical devotion to take on with your spouse, we have something for you!

Christian Marriage Resources

Marriage truly is a beautiful adventure. We want to offer prayer, encouragement and resources through Biblical truths about marriage through our book, A Beautiful Adventure Marriage. Through speaking engagements at marriage conferences and our YouVersion reading plan, we love to help couples of any age grow. Sometimes, it can be difficult to find Christian resources to build up your marriage hand-in-hand. We want to make that easy! Join us each month as we dive into tough topics and great encouragements from God’s Word. We want our resources to spark discussion and encourage you and your spouse’s faith to grow. Let us come alongside you with our Blog and social media!

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